Rumor: T-Mobile “All Hands Day” Set For September 21st – 24th

With all the iPhone and refarming news we’ve seen come out of T-Mobile in the past few days, or really come through us … [read full article]
With all the iPhone and refarming news we’ve seen come out of T-Mobile in the past few days, or really come through us … [read full article]
Based on both pieces of information that just came into our inbox, we’re trying to draw two conclusions, one that T-Mobile isn’t getting the iPhone 5, which shouldn’t surprise anyone. The second is that with the receipt of new Monthly4G microSIM kits supporting the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S, T-Mobile is close to announcing some news about their network … [read full article]
No, I’m not crazy and yes, this story is about an iPhone running on T-Mobile’s 3G network. Yes we’re talking 3G here because only the iPhone 4S really supports what T-Mobile quantifies as 4G anyway. A small, unknown factoid about how T-Mobile is handling some of its spectrum refarming is that in certain parts of the country, they are using the 1900MHz … [read full article]
So look, I’m sure the above reasoning is perfectly fine and true and all in all, it’s not a bad reason to carry iPhone accessories. Manufacturers produce the accessory for 99 cents, T-Mobile will then sell it for $14.99 and the bottom line will welcome the extra sales. My problem is, the iPhone has been out for four years, [read full article]
David’s Update: I’ve amended the text below since at least a few took some of the wording out of context. This cable absolutely does NOT prove T-Mobile is getting the iPhone, especially tomorrow. You shouldn’t return a recently purchased device waiting for this and you shouldn’t start camping outside your local T-Mobile. The arrival of this cable is peculiar and the likely solution is that T-Mobile produced a … [read full article]
Not really sure if this is a fluke or the real deal but a number of you have come forward, you daring iPhone owners on T-mobile reporting that your mytmobile page now appears to be, iPhone ready. Apparently users are able to perform all the usual mytmobile tasks from a webpage that appears by all accounts, to be custom fit for the iphone. By all appearances from the picture posted above and from the picture following … [read full article]