HTC Sensation 4G Full Retail Price Will Be $549.99

Since so many of you ask T-Mobile what the full retail pricing would be for the HTC Sensation 4G T-Mobile just sent out a tweet letting the world know it will be $549.99. That is all. @tmobile
Since so many of you ask T-Mobile what the full retail pricing would be for the HTC Sensation 4G T-Mobile just sent out a tweet letting the world know it will be $549.99. That is all. @tmobile
Can anyone guess what this news will be about?? Will we finally see confirmation on the June 8th release date for the HTC Sensation 4G? Stay tuned! @tmobile
T-Mobile must love tweeting or I should saying using tweets to tease G2x owners on the arrival date of Gingerbread. At the end of April T-Mobile responded to a question asked via Twitter and stated “Gingerbread is coming to the G2x soon. You won’t have to wait … [read full article]
T-Mobile took to Twitter last night to talk about tonight’s “Insomnia Sale” which will bring special pricing on the T-Mobile G2 and Sidekick 4G. Originally set for the [read full article]
Thanks to the official T-Mobile twitter account we’re getting some early notification about an upcoming “After Hours” sale to be held May 23rd. Given that previous early morning sales have been met with some complaints concerning the timeframe and lack of notice that people actually need … [read full article]
Oh T-Mobile you are such a tease. The official T-Mobile twitter account just sent out a teaser tweet promising a “Web Only” special tomorrow night from 9pm to 3am PST on the T-Mobile G2, [read full article]
Attention attention, T-Mobile is giving notice that come tomorrow evening, they’ll be giving away “several” 4G devices. We don’t know what devices they plan on giving away or at what time, but if you’re a follower of @tmobile tomorrow would be a great night to keep an eye on their Twitter feed. Of course we’ll keep you updated right when it’s posted. [read full article]
Under normal circumstances, I would have woke up this morning, seen the tweet T-Mobile directed at Verizon and cracked a smile. Instead, I’m focused on watching Seattle area residents beat their future parent company’s pride and joy iPhone in speed tests. Of course, who knows how or if Verizon might playfully respond. If I … [read full article]
Better late than never I suppose as T-Mobile finally drops official word via their social media channels that the G-Slate arrives Wednesday April 20th. Where have we heard that … [read full article]
April 20th is looking to be quite the day for T-Mobile fans as T-Mobile has announced both the availability of the G2X this morning along with…drum roll please…the Sidekick 4G. Dropping April 20th in stores and online the … [read full article]