Tag Archives: Spectrum

T-Mo, AT&T to swap spectrum in a number of markets

Expanding coverage and upgrading networks is often a struggle for carriers, especially the smaller ones. In many cases, the hold up isn’t necessarily the lack of towers/masts, but rather a case of not having enough spectrum licenses to to cover all the areas they want.  To solve that, carriers like T-Mobile have to make deals with other spectrum owners to try and get … [read full article]

T-Mobile offering to buy spectrum from smaller rivals

According to a report at NYPost, T-Mobile is putting together a back-up plan in case the merger with Sprint doesn’t go through. T-Mo has purportedly been offering to buy low-band spectrum from a number of smaller carriers to help boost its network performance in major built-up areas like New York City. Earlier this year, the company sealed a major deal to buy low-band 700MHz spectrum … [read full article]

AT&T: “No Basis” for T-Mobile or Sprint to be given special treatment at auction

With 9 days to go until the FCC makes a final decision on plans to restrict spectrum auctions, AT&T has once again voiced its opinion that it’s not right to give preferential treatment to the smaller carriers. If they go through, the changes would reserve a percentage of available low-band airwaves for carriers who currently don’t own large amounts. … [read full article]

Unsurprisingly, Verizon’s unhappy with FCC’s plans to make spectrum auctions more competitive

Sprint and T-Mobile are doing the best they can to push the FCC in to making a decision on airwave auctions that would see the system changed to be more favorable to the smaller guys. Both carriers have increased lobbying budgets and contacted regulators over 24 times this year. Putting as much time and money in as possible because the upcoming … [read full article]

FCC approves T-Mobile acquisition of Verizon’s A-block 700MHz airwaves

T-Mobile’s official acquisition of Verizon’s 700MHz A-block spectrum is moving ahead quickly as the FCC gave its blessing to the transaction yesterday. In response to the approval, Kathleen Ham, T-Mobile’s VP of Federal Regulatory Affairs  thanked the FCC in an emailed statement. “T-Mobile is pleased by the FCC’s prompt approval of our acquisition of 700 MHz A-Block spectrum, which will provide the company with … [read full article]


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