Tag Archives: Sony

T-Mobile Teases Xperia Z With New YouTube Clip, Promises More Detail Tomorrow

T-Mobile’s new YouTube clip shows the world a smartphone that can work under water. Whatever could that be? How about the Xperia Z? Ding ding ding! Word from my sources is that a joint press release by both companies is expected next week (the 18th to be exact)…but, the video caption promises “more details” tomorrow on T-Mobile’s Facebook page. The video itself is … [read full article]

Is Sony Set To Finally Return To T-Mobile’s Lineup? Magic 8-Ball Says “Signs Point To Yes”

It’s taken me the better half of two weeks to confirm this unicorn was definitively floating around in T-Mobile’s world, but it seems Sony may be ready to make a return to the Magenta network. After having an “it’s complicated” status for what seems like an eternity, I’ve managed to “confirm” via three separate sources that the Xperia … [read full article]

T-Mobile’s Czech Republic Branch Discovers How To Properly Market Waterproof Smartphones (NSFW)

Generally speaking, I don’t usually look at T-Mobile news outside the US, but this marketing campaign used by T-Mobile in the Czech Republic is just awesome. It’s definitely NSFW by American standards and this kind of promotion would never, ever be tolerated by parents, mall security and the politically correct police we have stateside. Unfortunately, we don’t know when or if … [read full article]

Sony Xperia T Hits The FCC, Offers Up T-Mobile Ready Pentaband Networking

While it’s definitely not a sure thing for T-Mobile, the Sony Xperia T just passed through the halls of the FCC complete with pentaband support, which means support for all of T-Mobile’s HSPA+ frequencies. That definitely means it’s going to be a great phone to import, but it’s also possible that this could land on T-Mobile shelves in the future. We … [read full article]


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