Samsung Galaxy S II, HTC Amaze 4G Arrive On Store Shelves Today

Did you miss your opportunity to pre-order the Samsung Galaxy S II or HTC Amaze 4G? Well don’t you worry as you … [read full article]
Did you miss your opportunity to pre-order the Samsung Galaxy S II or HTC Amaze 4G? Well don’t you worry as you … [read full article]
Have you already pre-ordered the Samsung Galaxy S II? Do you need another unboxing and hands-on video to help sway your decision-making process? Please give a round of applause to man with the best hair in all of tech blogging as he unboxes the Galaxy S II just in time for you to decide whether or not waking up early and heading down to your local T-Mobile … [read full article]
Looking for a 7 minute hands on of the T-Mobile Galaxy S II to kick off your weekend right? Thanks to the folks at Android Central who just got their hands on T-Mobile’s newest powerhouse we’re getting exactly that. So watch it once, maybe twice and then kick over to Aaron’s HTC Amaze … [read full article]