Qik Updates T-Mobile Video Chat App

Good news for those of you with video chat capabilities on T-mobile (or anyone that uses a myTouch 4G, Galaxy Tab, Dell Streak 7, Vibrant 4G, Sidekick 4G, [read full article]
Good news for those of you with video chat capabilities on T-mobile (or anyone that uses a myTouch 4G, Galaxy Tab, Dell Streak 7, Vibrant 4G, Sidekick 4G, [read full article]
With just two days before the launch of the Samsung Exhibit 4G and Samsung Gravity SMART launch we thought you just might be interested to know how much each of the newest Android devices on T-Mobile will cost you. The Samsung Exhibit 4G will come in at $79.99 after a … [read full article]
T-Mobile wants to come on strong this Spring with a marketing focus that emphasizes their industry leading value and featured smartphones such as the Samsung Exhibit 4G. Wait what? The Samsung Exhibit 4G? That’s the phone that is going to be emphasized for Spring marketing? Who on earth is running this show anymore? [read full article]
T-Mobile just confirmed the release dates (we nailed them back on June 4th) for the Samsung Exhibit 4G and Samsung Gravity SMART via a quick Tweet. Arriving on June 22nd … [read full article]
T-Mobile has formally announced the Samsung Exhibit 4G and Samsung Gravity SMART aka GT2. We aren’t strangers to either device around these parts as we’ve seen both devices appear on numerous leaked docs [read full article]
We’ve been hoping to nail down the Sensation 4G release date even in face of all the evidence pointing toward a June 8th release date and now these internal slides further reinforce a June 8th launch. Without any official word from … [read full article]
It looks like June 8th will see a trio of launches of Android launches for T-Mobile with phones to every kind of user. The Samsung Exhibit 4G once known as the “Hawk” … [read full article]
What’s this I see before us? The Samsung T759 running Android 2.3.3 on T-Mobile? I believe this phone will hit T-Mobile shelves as the Samsung “Exhibit.” We don’t know much about the phone but our ninja said he expected the Exhibit to sport a 3.7″, 480 x 800 AMOLED display and is running Gingerbread 2.3.3 as the image shows. Rumored but unconfirmed specs include a 1.4GHz ARM11 … [read full article]