Tag Archives: Rate plans

Even More Rate Plans Explained

As you may already be aware (its only been on the blog a few hundred times) T-Mobile officially launched its newest rate plans as of Sunday, October 25th 2009. T-Mobile announced a new approach to truly show itself as the cheapest carrier compared to AT&T and Verizon. Yesterday during the “So You Think You Can Dance” show, T-Mobile aired its newest T-Mobile ad to explain the Even More Rate plans. … [read full article]

Project Dark Is A Go!

After all the speculating, “Project Dark” is officially a go. The pricing is up on the T-Mobile website and it is exactly what we hoped feared. At first glance I’m not seeing any changes whatsoever from all the leaks, which may be a good thing or a bad thing, I don’t know if anyone can really make that determination yet. Marketing is of course going to be the key factor here and … [read full article]

It's April 15th!


So there we have it, the “new” rate plans we had early high hopes for have launched and while they are definitely benefiting the customer, we’re still a little disappointed. Either way, they are now available and ready for your usage, so hit up the T-mobile website or your mytmobile to take advantage of these new offerings! T-mobile

You Heard It Here First!


You heard it here first, on April 15th T-mobile is going to be announcing major changes to their rate plans. We have NO idea what that means, if this is a public announcement or internal, but we know the announcement exists. On the announcement note however, Engadget is reporting that T-mobile has invited press to an event April 21st. Our invitation may have gotten lost in the mail!  Billed as a “private … [read full article]