MyTouch HD Also Known As “Emerald” To Release November 3rd?

In case you aren’t interested in the T-Mobile G2 or the HD7, perhaps the MyTouch HD aka “Emerald” suits your fancy? … [read full article]
In case you aren’t interested in the T-Mobile G2 or the HD7, perhaps the MyTouch HD aka “Emerald” suits your fancy? … [read full article]
Right after the announcement this morning of the T-Mobile G2 with Google, Scott of Androidguys and I discussed this announcement for a few minutes. In passing though he mentioned to me that he had done a little extra legwork after his recent findings hidden away in … [read full article]
In the recent days, weeks and months, I have seen the name “Project Emerald” tossed around to almost every single smartphone that T-Mobile might get. At this point, I have to say I’m a little frustrated with how frequently and how loosely it’s being used. To that end, the name itself has almost lost its luster in my … [read full article]