Tag Archives: Apple

Apple, HTC Settle Patent Lawsuit With 10 Year Licensing Agreement

In a joint press release yesterday evening, Apple and HTC announced that a 10 year licensing agreement has been reached between the two warring parties. The agreement is good for around the world sales of both HTC and Apple devices and the deal includes a 10-year licensing agreement. The agreement, which is confidential was quickly described by HTC as not expected to “have any adverse … [read full article]

SquareTrade Posts Samsung Galaxy S III Versus iPhone 5 “Household Trauma” Test

Warning: Take any conclusions with a grain of salt, this is an unscientific test with many uncontrolled variables and the results could have just as easily gone the other way.  Setting aside smartphone allegiances for the moment, durability tests are an inevitable part of high-profile launches these days and our friends at SquareTrade pitted the Galaxy S III against the [read full article]