Samsung Rethinking Decision For Galaxy S And Galaxy Tab Ice Cream Sandwich Upgrade Due To Customer Response

Power to the people as Samsung is said to be reviewing their decision not to upgrade the Galaxy S and … [read full article]
Power to the people as Samsung is said to be reviewing their decision not to upgrade the Galaxy S and … [read full article]
As of this morning LG has outlined on its Facebook page its schedule for upgrading its international line of smartphone handsets to Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. The global upgrade schedule will begin in the second and third quarters of 2012, followed by a global rollout. Curiously enough, the second quarter of 2012 lists the “[read full article]
Samsung has just dropped some news that is likely to upset a lot of original Galaxy S and Galaxy Tab 7” owners unhappy. The company is … [read full article]
Reports are filtering in that Google has hit the “pause” button on their Android 4.0 update for Nexus S devices. Details are pretty sparse, but users are claiming they are receiving the update, but when the update process completes the phone boots right back into Gingerbread. Apparently, Google is able to trigger a rollback on phones that are attempting to … [read full article]
Samsung has cemented its plans for its upcoming roll-out of Ice Cream Sandwich and as expected, it’s landing on all top-shelf Android devices. This includes the GALAXY S II, GALAXY S II LTE, GALAXY Note, … [read full article]
Google has just announced that the Nexus S, their premiere Gingerbread device that launched in November of last year is getting the Ice Cream Sandwich, starting today. It’ll be a rolling release and GSM versions will receive it … [read full article]
Ok so we’re pushing the “under $700” line with a price tag of $699.99 but, it’s better than the first round of unlocked pricing we saw from Expansys-USA at $749.99. This particular model of the [read full article]
As excited as we all are for the official release of the Ice Cream Sandwich Android 4.0 update in the United States, many of you are asking one important question: “Will my device receive the update?” The answers are coming slowly as information from the manufacturers … [read full article]
LG took to Facebook this morning and announced that four of its smartphones will receive the update to Ice Cream Sandwich. The top four devices just so happen to be LG’s top four smartphones in the form of the Optimus 2X, Optimus Black, Optimus 3D and Optimus LTE. While the timing for the upgrade schedule has yet to be … [read full article]
It’s clunky, it’s slow and you would not want to use it in real life but the fact that the talented folks at XDA-Developers have an Ice Cream Sandwich port up and running on a three year old T-Mobile G1 shows a lot of promise. It’s performance is powered by an archaically … [read full article]