T-Mobile Posts Product Pages For HTC Amaze 4G And Galaxy S II Featuring Specs, Highlights And More

If you’re eager to soak in every last piece of information you can attain as we count down the days to the Samsung Galaxy S II, [read full article]
If you’re eager to soak in every last piece of information you can attain as we count down the days to the Samsung Galaxy S II, [read full article]
This isn’t the first time we’ve seen a T-Mobile device come listed as a Quad-band 4G device giving us that the time may have finally arrived that a future proof device is available on the T-Mobile network. When T-Mobile originally posted the G2x on T-Mobile.com it was also listed as a Quad-band device but … [read full article]
Last but certainly not least of T-Mobile’s three major product announcements today is the Sonic 4G Mobile Hotspot. Ready to take on the world using T-Mobile’s HSPA+ 42Mbps network the Sonic 4G can connect up to five Wi-Fi enabled devices. Brought to us by the folks at Huawei this little hotspot weighs in only 3.88 ounces making … [read full article]
The Galaxy S II hasn’t been secret since the official announcement came a few weeks back at the Samsung press event that took place in New York. However, T-Mobile is announcing additional details of the GSII today including the two most important facts of all…price and availability. … [read full article]
Chalk up another T-Mobile exclusive with the official unveiling of the HTC Amaze 4G, previously known to the world as the HTC Ruby. One of two announcements today for T-Mobile featuring smartphones capable of taking advantage of the HSPA+ 42Mbps capable market the Amaze 4G features … [read full article]
If you’ve been waiting to see how the Galaxy S II measures up size-wise against other devices in T-Mobile’s line-up then we’ve got the hands-on shot for you. Without a “true” hands on yet we’ve only been able to [read full article]
With a Samsung Galaxy support Twitter account providing us with the first true hint as to what is inside the future T-Mobile variant of the Galaxy S II, we want to know what is more … [read full article]
While we’re still eagerly waiting some true “in the wild” shots of the T-Mobile branded Galaxy S II being handled we’ve just received a picture of the load screen in our inbox. While we’re pressing our ninjas to help [read full article]
The question as to which processor Samsung and T-Mobile have chosen for the Galaxy S II has been picking at the back of our minds for quite some time now. The decision not to showcase … [read full article]
This isn’t what we call a T-Mobile leak per se, but the HTC Ruby/Amaze 4G model has leaked out of Thailand according to local site Droid Sans. According to the site HTC is testing a new Android device that is capable of DC-HSPA+ speeds in Thailand which further gives us hope that this device is capable of 42Mbps … [read full article]