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T-Mobile – Simply Indecisive

With T-mobile, you get more! Er wait…we mean stick together…wait… are you ready for some more unsubstantiated rumors? From the all-too suspicious anonymous source on HoFo, we have a suggestion that T-mobile might be changing their slogan in the US, as well as their site. While we have no information suggestion this is or is not true, the whole thing seems a bit shady to us. Here are two supposed mock-ups: [read full article]

Some fun T-Mobile updates (10 new UMA phones!)

We just received a tip that the TalkForever II, which was previously delayed, has been set for launch on April 15th. Although this date isn’t set in stone, its as good as your gonna get for now. As long as we’re on the subject, we’ll let you in on another little secret. By the time Back To School rolls around, T-mobile plans on having 10 NEW UMA (Hotspot@Home) phones out. Sounds like a stretch to us, but … [read full article]

Unreleased T-Mobile Phones

Some news for those future-oriented T-mobile customers.April 14th – Blackberry Pearl 2 TalkForever II – Delayed to July 2nd (still tentative) Motorola Rokr E8 – April 30th Nokia 5310 – May or June Nokia 5610 – POSSIBLE May 12th release Motorola Rizr z6W – June 9th Samsung Quantum and Samsung Aroma (AKA T229 & T339) – June 16th Enjoy!

T-Mobile TalkForever II – Delayed

T-mobile: In order to ensure a positive customer experience, we have delayed TalkForever for another two to three months. Translation: Woah! We messed up, give us some time to cover our @$$€$ while we try to fix it and release it again. Traditionally, T-mobile has made it a point to get it right the first time, or delay it. So keeping with tradition, T-mobile has decided the delay the release of TalkForever II. Originally, we expected this … [read full article]

Welcome to TmoNews

Welcome all you T-mobile fanatics. Here, at T-MoBlog, we will keep you updates on everything you need to know about T-mobile. Who, do you ask, are we? Well, we would love to tell you, but lets keep it a secret for now. Lets just say we know information, that you want to know. We usually know before Engadget and BGR do too. Show your friends, show your enemies, we don’t care, we just want to get this … [read full article]