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Price changes galore…

Happy monday T-mobile faithful, its been kind of a slow news weekend, other that that whole blackberry bold thing. On that note, definitely a week to pay attention to because we are going to have some VERY exciting site announcements this week. I of course have been sworn to secrecy and can’t even tell you how excited I am without putting my myself in the running for witness protection. Stay tuned for … [read full article]

Weekly recap – 5/0/09

Here at TmoNews we’re all about bringing you T-mobile news in an orderly, organized fashion. Thats why we have started the weekly recaps. Every Friday we will outline the excitment from the last week, with an informative post full of links, in case you want to read some article you missed. Well here we go! 5/01 – T-mobile’s 3G FINALLY goes live in NYC! Last Weekend: 5/02 – TmoNews snags some … [read full article]

T-mobile would like to thank the academy…

Ok magenta fans here is another big shock. T-mobile wins jd powers again! The article here from rcr news crowns T-mobile in all its glory: “T-Mobile USA Inc. ranked highest in customer satisfaction among the major wireless carrier-owned retail stores, especially on sales staff and store display factors, the firm reported. Alltel Corp. came in a close … [read full article]

Our little carrier…

Well well well T-mobile as always proving to be the little carrier that could. Throwing up a huge 1st quarter with 981,000 new subscribers! Coupled in with the 3G launch, this could be our year! Highlights include: 981,000 new subscriber additions 13,000 UMTS tower locations (yeah ummm seriously where are they?) 1.7% customer churn Total subscriber base at 30,798,000 (we first reported T-mobile successfully hitting 30 … [read full article]

Have you talked to your mothers lately?

Looks like one of our favorite T-mobile gimmicks is coming back for a 2 day only special. Waived activation fees!! Here is the catch, the promotion will ONLY be offered via an advertisement on the home page. From that point it will take you down a special purchase path which will waive the activation fee upon successful ordering. Here are the bullet points for this mothers day two day special: Advertised on the MSN home page … [read full article]

Nokia 7376 headed our way

With T-mobile’s release of 3G, a lot of concern has surfaced regarding the lack of handsets that support T-mobile’s AWS 3G bands. Well add the 7376 to that short list of 3G enabled handsets. Sporting 1700/2100 IV, this baby should easily be able to pick up T-mobile’s UMTS, and in the future, HSDPA. Sightings of the 7376 have popped up on a few different site, such as … [read full article]

Refer your friends

Well so this week we have announced 3G (officially) but the last newest 3G carrier on the block has a little enticing offer up their sleeves. Starting tomorrow through June 30 T-mobile is offering a $50 referral fee. Show some love to the people you care about, or at the least the people you want to go mobile 2 mobile with. Either way is fine by us. Your next bill should have a little insert in it … [read full article]

3G is official now! (again)

T-mobile has cleared up all the garbage surrounding their 3G nyc launch last week. Nothing really earth shattering here, hsdpa devices on the way and officially clarify that data DOES work. Interestingly enough as you read through this, T-mobile doesn’t give any hints as to how many cities or how broad the rollout will be by years end. All that we get is “By year’s end, T-Mobile expects its high-speed data network will be available in those … [read full article]

Rumor mill: T-mobile to aquire Sprint?

As many of you have heard, there are a lot of rumors floating around that T-mobile, and big daddy Deutsche Telekom are looking to acquire Sprint. Key word in that sentence being RUMORS. We can credit this wave of rumors to the German newpaper Spiegel, who posted their article online. Click here to view the Spiegel article translated … [read full article]

UMTS? Psh, that's nothing!

After years of delays and assorted issues, T-mobile USA finally has rolled out 3G in New York City. We were told it would come out months ago. It didn’t. We were told it would be voice only. It wasn’t. We were told it will be UMTS data. It wont be. Wait, what?! Yep folks, T-mobile’s phase I of their 3G launch involves only UMTS data. However, it looks like plans are to do a little upgrading on … [read full article]

one MORE thing…

Price questions have been asked and has answered. I’ll let the price comparison do the walking and the talking this time around.