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Featured add-on of the week: YouMail

Every Wednesday TmoNews will feature a free add on, which is aimed to make our readers lives easier and more efficient. This week’s feature is YouMail. We rarely hear complaints about T-mobile’s voicemail system, but a step up can’t hurt right? YouMail provides users with many cool features that T-mobile’s regular voicemail does not. Here is how it … [read full article]

T-mobile "fights back" against ETF evaders…

Well not really, consumerist in its usual grand form got a little info from a reader as to who exactly can qualify for this get out of jail free card. Two little rules and we will call them “flimsy” at best to steal consumerists verbage. 1. Can’t have unlimited messaging bundle on your account within the past 3 months 2. Has to have been charged for text messages during the … [read full article]

Rokr Users Get Software Update

A mere two weeks after the release of the Motorola Rokr e8, users are already receiving software updates. This over-the-air (OTA) update will begin being sent out today, July 21st. Either T-mobile is doing their best to give customers the best phones and software possible, or they received so many complaints about the Rokr in the last 2 weeks that they were forced to release an update. Either … [read full article]

Nokia 7510 Supernova coming to T-mobile USA

Well this one is out of left field, but you can’t really complain about a phone that is called the Supernova. Wait, yeah we can! Where is the 3G or UMA?! We can expect this to be another Nokia music phone, marketed toward the young, hip-type that love funky phones. Talk about an iPhone killer…the Supernova sports a 2 megapixel (VGA Video…not bad!), 6 hours of … [read full article]

Nokia 1608 to release on July 21st, T-mobile customers cry

We have been asking for some high end devices, and look what we get! We know, we know, your asking why we would post something this trivial and unimportant. Well we’ve gotten in a lot of tips today, and we’re happy to say that this is definitely the most unexciting. For those five or six tech-savvy readers that are actually interested in this … [read full article]

Tony Hawk Sidekick LX available to current T-mobile Customers

The special edition Tony Hawk Sidekick LX, being publicly released on July 16th, is now available to current T-mobile customers. When customers login to, the online T-mobile customer portal, and go to “upgrade phone,” the Tony Hawk Sidekick will show up with its full $499 price tag, in addition to the price which you can get for a 2 year upgrade. Remember, the … [read full article]

National T-mobile 3G launch on October 1st?

Once and a while we will ask our users to take an article with a grain of salt. We’re going to up the ante here, and tell you to take this one with a whole damn bucket of salt. That said, we have some exciting T-mobile news to bring you don’t we? Well according to an anonymous tip TmoNews got, 3G is being lit up in … [read full article]

Happy Birthday America!!!

Get your grills fired up, your lawn chairs ready and your friends and family together. That’s right, HOPEFULLY you know that today we celebrate independence day. “O! say can you see by the dawn’s early light…” So from all of us here at Tmonews to all of you wherever you are, happy birthday America!! Because we love sarcasm here at T-mobile, I leave you all with this youtube clip, from … [read full article]

Finally, message blocking, parents around the world breathe a sigh of relief!

The day will soon arrive when you can finally block all those messages from the crazy ex’s, annoying friends and hell even your parents (kids)! Thats right T-mobile fans mark your calenders as July 16th is the day. Hallelujah! Here is what we know: Beginning July 16, T-Mobile will offer Message Blocking, an add-on feature that gives customers the ability to … [read full article]