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Extra, extra free smartphones!!


How do the words “free” and “smartphone” make you feel? In this business, that’s almost the pot at the end of the rainbow and all of the current phone manufacturers, its a newcomer who may bring the best pricing to the table. Acer, better known for their computers/laptops and current line of netbooks recently unveiled their line of wireless devices at Mobile World Congress. Sascha Segan over at PCmag has an interesting … [read full article]

T-mobile to offer improved unlimited plan?


RUMOR ALERT: We’re still trying to hash out all the details on this one but from what we can ascertain so far T-mobile is going to make some customers very very happy in the coming days. It looks as though T-mobile is going to try and introduce some economically friendly rate plans to the world and undercut just about all the major competition with an unlimited voice plan at $49.99!!!!  While I’m still not positive of all … [read full article]

Telenav GPS coming to the T-mobile G1


While I normally stay away from individual application reviews for the G1, I believe the prospect and announcement of full on turn by turn navigation for the G1 is absolutely post worthy.  This morning Telenav announced that starting February 24th they would begin offering their turn by turn GPS services for the T-mobile based G1. With full color graphics, one-click rerouting, and more than 10 million points of interest, you’ll also get speech recognition, weather updates, traffic … [read full article]

Samsung Android delayed, no preview next week


  Well, we know its coming, we just had some hopes we might actually see what’s coming next week. As it turns out, the negotiations according to the head of Samsung’s mobile division are still ongoing and we can interpret that as, nothing is actually available yet to show off.  “…Younghee Lee, head of marketing at Samsung’s mobile device division, said there will be no Android phone at the show, but … [read full article]