Comparing Carrier Costs

There is little question the almighty dollar is influencing a lot more of a our buying decisions lately than it has in recent years. T-mobile, who has long prided itself a lower cost solution to the [read full article]
There is little question the almighty dollar is influencing a lot more of a our buying decisions lately than it has in recent years. T-mobile, who has long prided itself a lower cost solution to the [read full article]
T-mobile has certainly made strides in its 3G networks in recent weeks with a large swath of launches enveloping the Tmonews homepage. That’s a good thing though, I know there are still many many readers looking for that magically appearing 3G symbol. This week the following cities launched and while we attempted to report on them all, server troubles have occupyied too much of my time. … [read full article]
We keep hearing about the T-Mobile Pulse without much confirmation on a US release (but I still think we will see some Huawei Android phone in the future). However, we do have more information on the U8220 bound for a European release (I’m still hoping it will launch here, and maybe I’m … [read full article]
We have heard about it, and we have seen pictures, but there is still mystery that surrounds the HTC Click. Some of that fog is about to lift with this video, courtesy of a lucky person at Tinh Te. The five minute video gives a clear look at the outside and software of the Click, even comparing it to a MyTouch, or Magic ([read full article]
T-mobile has certainly made strides in its 3G networks in recent weeks with a large swath of launches enveloping the Tmonews homepage. That’s a good thing though, I know there are still many many readers looking for that magically appearing 3G symbol. This week the following cities launched and while we attempted to report on them all, server troubles have occupyied too much of my time. … [read full article]
Have you ever thought about getting the new Sidekick LX 2009, but just couldn’t stomach the $250 price tag? Well, now you can snatch up the new Sidekick in both Carbon and Orchid flavors for the low low lower price of $174.99 on contract, after discounts. Seems like a standard price reduction, which in my opinion is overdue for a higher end messaging device. Is anyone out there going to find themselves … [read full article]
After a bunch of speculation, and well, confirmation, we can assume that T-Mobile will be seeing the Nokia N900 sometime in the future. Some lucky people, however, have had time to extensively preview this monster of an internet tablet, and luckily they documented everything. The staff over at Mobile Review took the time to preview the Rover and give first impressions, giving some more clues … [read full article]
The original thought was that T-Mobile was going to get the Huawei 8230. Then uncertainty arose when the WiFi documents of the 8220 came around. At long last, though, we have found the heartbeat, courtesy of the FCC, to the T-Mobile Pulse and it is alive (and I couldn’t be happier). The T-Mobile … [read full article]
I don’t know about you, but when I hear HTC I think about high end, most likely Windows Mobile, phones. Well, as we have heard before, HTC is planning to attack the midrange handset audience this year with the HTC Click. HTC is really hoping (warning, financial mumbo jumbo to follow) to increase its revenues 11% and its shipments 19% in the latter half of this year (late Q3 or Q4) by … [read full article]
While the G1 has been snacking on Cupcake, or Android 1.5, for quite some time now, it seems as though it will be too full to eat any more desserts. While the first Android phone graced us with its presence, its hardware is lacking and is forcing it to be left out to get stale. Dave Sparks, an Android software engineer, has said that devs “won’t be … [read full article]
It has been a while since we have heard anything about the Huawei Android phone, but there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t dream about it. In June we thought we were getting the 8230 in the third quarter of this year (how I wish that would happen) but there is some speculation that T-Mobile USA … [read full article]
It hasn’t been much of a secret that Motorola is hoping to reclaim its former status (remember the RAZR?) with a handful of successful Android phones. Motorola, however, is going about manufacturing their android phone in a different manner by focusing on recruiting developers. On October 6th, Motorola will hold an event, MOTODEV Summit, to showcase … [read full article]