Project Black/Dark Docs Leaked

The leaked information follows the jump, if you don’t want to know what T-mobile is planning on offering, haven’t yet seen or want to be surprised everything after the read link is going to spoil something for you.
The leaked information follows the jump, if you don’t want to know what T-mobile is planning on offering, haven’t yet seen or want to be surprised everything after the read link is going to spoil something for you.
Hey, it’s the weekend! Aren’t you excited? I know I am. More importantly, it’s the weekend before the preorder date for the Motorola Cliq. There sure is a bunch to discuss in the Android world (The Cliq, Eclair, Behold 2, etc.). You can also discuss the mysterious Project Dark (because you all want to know what it is). It is also … [read full article]
Android 1.6 was released a little over two weeks ago and now we have screen-shots of the new Android 2.0 (a.k.a Eclair). BoyGenius managed to get screen-shots of the new Android 2.0, which includes built-in Microsoft Exchange compatibility, Maps which has been updated to include Layers, a new and improved UI with a redone URL entry bar which includes a Favicon, a YouTube widget, Haptic feedback, text-to-speech, and much more! … [read full article]
At this point, there is significant speculation regarding Project Dark. There is simply too much buzz surrounding it for someone “in the know” to not want to feel a little powerful, drop some hints and create a larger buzz. Rumors are running wild on the forums and for the moment we’re going to let them remain rumors. The above image is meant merely to confirm an … [read full article]
Remember that N900? What am I kidding, of course you do. While there is no official word regarding its arrival to T-Mobile, we do have further confirmation that the N900 runs on T-Mobile’s 3G network. Yes, oh yes, the Nokia has that mythical 1700 MHz band that we like to see. Anyways, this thing has a … [read full article]
Google, in a move that will surely raise more questions than answers, has decided to add another sweet treat to their Android lawn. This time around they have added a giant Eclair, which just so happens to be the name of Android 2.0. Sure, there have been rumors of Eclair being delayed, plus Donut just came out a couple … [read full article]
Well Sidekick users are bound to rejoice in the most recent follow up to the 2009 Sidekick Debacle. As it stands right now, Microsoft is stating that they have recovered most, if not all, user data. “We are pleased to report that we have recovered most, if not all, customer data for those Sidekick customers whose data was affected by the recent outage. We plan to begin restoring users’ personal … [read full article]
I have long heard from the readers in Oklahoma City asking, “tell us when, please, tell us when.” Thankfully, I can say that day is today, the day you have all been asking for, the day of 3G. Welcome faster speeds, clearer calls and the ability to run around in circles screaming for joy. Reports of 3G are widespread yet unconfirmed so as always its possible this is just a really awful tease, hopefully it’s not and … [read full article]
The preorder date is just around the corner, and the first batch of in depth reviews, of the T-Mobile bound Motorola Cliq, are rolling in. A quick run down would be that Blur looks good, but the battery life in the Cliq is very poor as a product of Blur, if you happen to have a bunch of friends updating their statuses (ironic). Overall, the phone seems to be … [read full article]
At this point the Sidekick data outage needs no introduction. T-Mobile USA now reports that Sidekick data syncing is back online but it is still “unstable”. Users should back up (use tutorial here) any data and restrain from performing a hard reset. Simply power-cycling your device (Menu ->Power Off, letting your Sidekick turn off on its own and then powering it back up. DO NOT … [read full article]
Well, I have long been a windows mobile hater, no question about it, and recent reports of windows mobile 6.5 have not done much to snuff the hate. Fortunately, if this pans out it looks like T-Mobile USA lovers are going to get their hands on snapdragon love in the form of … [read full article]
Ever really really really wanted a BlackBerry or maybe you don’t want to experience another Sidekick Outage and are looking for another smartphone? Well, now is the perfect time! T-Mobile is offering any style BlackBerry device for free (Yes, that includes the 8900). New customers willing to sign a 2-year contract with T-Mobile can take advantage of this spectacular offer! The best part is there are NO REBATES. Hooray! Here are … [read full article]