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Save on the N900

Are you one of those people that just can’t wait for the launch of the N900?  Well, then this is just for you.  While there is still no confirmation (I know, it’s sad) that the Nokia beast will come to T-Mobile USA, you can still pick one up, unlocked, and it will work just fine on our 3G network.  Maybe you are dying to have this phone … [read full article]

Sidekick Fallout Q&A

Now that there is finally a way to restore those precious contacts you might have lost, you may still have a few questions buzzing around waiting to be answered. Over the next few days, T-Mobile will notify affected customers of this update via SMS advising them to log in to My T-Mobile. Customers who do not have access to a computer can contact Customer Service for help in restoring their contacts. In addition, … [read full article]

How To Restore Your Lost Contacts


With Danger/Microsoft’s recent update promising to restore contacts this week, it looks like they are following through on their word. Sidekick users can go to their My T-Mobile webpage to download their contacts and then restore them either to their Sidekick or whatever device they’ve replaced it with. You can have all your contacts in ten easy steps! It’s easy as cake! Hit the break to see the steps! Don’t forget to leave your thoughts/opinions … [read full article]

Handy Comparison Shot For T-Mobile Android

One of our super ninjas just dropped this little goody in my inbox. I don’t know if its coincidental or absolutely planned that it drops on the day of the Cliq pre-order but I’m going to say it’s likely the former. Not much explaining needed other than to say we’re sorry the Samsung Behold II isn’t included in this list because we would love to know what’s under the hood … [read full article]

Some Key Points Regarding Project Dark

With all the information pertaining to Project Dark that is leaking, lingering questions remain. We are still days away from the official T-Mobile announcement, but one of our great readers was kind enough to ensure some key points still come across. If more questions are out there, pass them along and I’ll see what I can do about getting them answered. –Even More: Contract Discounted Handset Upfront Even More Plus: … [read full article]

Welcome to 3G, Bellingham

T-Mobile has been slow lately with 3G launches, but nonetheless they are picking up the pace. Today, T-Mobile has officially announced 3G in Bellingham, WA. I know all Bellingham residents have been waiting a long time for this! Welcome to the 3G club and enjoy the super fast 3G speeds! And if you’re still looking for a nice 3G enabled device, why not the Android powered Motorola … [read full article]

Sidekick Data Restoration To Take Place This Week

Well here we go again! Another update from Microsft/Danger. Microsoft says they still continue to work around the clock on restoring sidekick users data that was lost and apologize for the inconvenience this has caused. They claim they’re making steady progress and hope to have all personal contacts restored by this week and the remainder of the personal info (photographs, notes, to-do-lists, marketplace data, and highscores) shortly after. Statement from Microsoft/Danger below: The Danger / Microsoft team is continuing … [read full article]

November Launch Date Fun

Well with all the Project Dark news going on,  questions have surrounded what handsets we might be seeing? One of the more anticipated devices is the Samsung Behold II, the very first Android powered phone from Samsung and T-Mobile USA. Dropping in that AMOLED touch-screen for better viewing angles, along with Samsung’s “exclusive cube menu” system giving you quick access to all the features you care about most. … [read full article]

Motorola Cliq Now Available For Pre-Order

You heard the announcement, and now its finally October 19, 2009. Those impatiently waiting to get the first Android powered Motorola device with social skills, now’s you chance. You’ve seen all the reviews and now its time to review it yourself. The Motorola Cliq is now available for pre-order from T-Mobile. The Cliq is available for pre-order for existing subscribers for $199.99 with … [read full article]

Word From Your Editor

When everything is said and done, we should all be able to admit when a mistake was made. Taking the high road was a poor move on my part and I should not have done it. Its not my job to protect info, its my job to leak it. Its my job to be a fan site, build buzz and critique when necessary. I will listen to the readers when they speak out. I have heard you … [read full article]

Project Black/Dark Docs Leaked

The leaked information follows the jump, if you don’t want to know what T-mobile is planning on offering, haven’t yet seen or want to be surprised everything after the read link is going to spoil something for you.