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T-Mobile Ain’t Nobody’s Fool

The bottom is line T-Mobile knows what is said, what is going around and they are hip, hop and down with it.  T-Mobile has brought forth the message that front-line employees are to have the standard “no comment” approach to all media inquiries regarding this offer.  I am betting a reporter from the Wall Street Journal is going to a random T-Mobile retail store and hoping the employees know the exact date … [read full article]

Would Google Ever Consider Buying A Wireless Carrier?

Based in no small part to the comments posted on blogs everywhere, including yours truly that have followed the news Deutsche Telekom might IPO or possibly spinoff its US division. Interestingly enough, readers on almost every blog/news outlet that posted this article are tossing around the notion that Google should consider purchasing T-Mobile. Google, having released its Nexus One and having expanded its Google Voice offering is clearly … [read full article]

The BB 8900 Is Old News


It is always a sad day when a popular phone is killed off, and it appears that RIMs Blackberry 8900 is the next phone to be discontinued.  T-Mobile has said that the 8900 has “reached the end of it’s life cycle.”  Well, that was blunt of them.  Let’s just look towards the future, and hope for an 8910 in the future, a Pearl … [read full article]

FlexPay Customers Experiencing Upgrade Issue

According to our sources, FlexPay customers are currently unable to upgrade their handset via Symptoms include, an hourglass that is stuck on the webpage. T-Mobile Support Teams are working to resolve the issue, and at this time there is currently no estimated time as to when the issue will be resolved. Of course you could always give Customer Care a call, and upgrade through … [read full article]

Apple Screws Us Again

Realizing the amount of customers with unlocked iPhones on T-Mobile’s network, Magenta has released a note to all employees regarding the new iPhone OS 3.1.3 software version that was released yesterday. T-Mobile states that, before troubleshooting the iPhone, employees should ask the subscriber what software version they’re currently using, as the new firmware might cause issues with T-Mobile services. Being the iPhone guru that I am considered, here are the details on this new “software update”. The update … [read full article]

Best Buy Dropping MyTouch 3G+?

Let me first say that I actually like the name MyTouch 3G+ significantly more than I like MyTouch 3G 1.2. I do not know if MyTouch 1.2 is the actual name T-Mobile will be giving to the MyTouch 3G upgrade but let me just go on record saying version “1.2” is awful. If Palm could throw in the Palm Pre Plus for Verizon, T-Mobile can drop the MyTouch 3G+ for themselves. … [read full article]