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T-Mobile To Introduce New Prepaid Options

We’ve been calling this one since the beginning of April after some leaked screenshots appeared courtesy of an online survey. T-Mobile is set to introduce on May 16th two new prepaid options that should do well against the ever increasing prepaid competition. With an unlimited talk/text option for $50 dollars and unlimited text + $0.10/minute for $15 a month T-Mobile is making moves. Throw in the ability to access the … [read full article]

Microsoft KIN Coming To T-Mobile?

On April 12, Microsoft announced two new mobile handsets, the KIN ONE and the KIN TWO. These devices were targeted at the younger social networking crowd. At the time of the unveiling, Verizon Wireless was the exclusive carrier, but it looks like the exclusivity might be short-lived. According to the findings of a well-known Windows Mobile ROM hacker, the KIN OS system provisioning files consist of carrier files for T-Mobile USA, AT&T, and a whole bunch of … [read full article]

Hands On With T-Mobile Sense UI

Those folks over at XDA always manage to come through with porting ROM’s over to phones that they simply should not be running on.  This time they successfully managed to port the upcoming MyTouch Slide ROM and move it over to both the G1 AND MyTouch 3G.  Taylor over at Androidandme is praising this move and seems more than impressed with the transition over to the older Android devices.  Of … [read full article]

Blackberry 6 Briefly Shown Off

Are you looking to see the next iteration of the Blackberry platform?  The Blackberry Symposium, WES 2010 currently taking place in Orlando, Florida, saw the keynote this morning from the co-CEO of RIM.  It was a fast-moving video and did not really show off all the changes we assume are coming in the forthcoming Blackberry 6 platform.  With new devices on the horizon, Blackberry is surely hoping to retain its position … [read full article]

T-Mobile Trouble In California?

Word coming out of the TmoNews twitter as well a steady flow of emails indicates a T-Mobile outage in either the LA area, Northern California area or both.  Early reports indicate troubles with making phone calls.  We have yet to confirm this report, however at least one individual on twitter says T-Mobile customer service did confirm a problem in the Northern Los Angeles market.  If you’re in Cali, are  you having trouble … [read full article]

Drop Sprint, Get Paid


Starting April 23rd through April 26th, Sprint customers who port in their Wireless number to T-Mobile at a Costco/Wireless Advocates or Car Toys location may be eligible for a $35 bill credit.  This port-in credit is in addition to the activation fee waiver Costco members receive as part of their membership benefit.  This offer is available only to Sprint customers who port-in their numbers to T-Mobile.  Remember, the offer is only valid in Wireless Advocates (Costco) and … [read full article]