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Customer Loyalty Also Has Free Phones For Qualified Family Line Upgrades?

Tread softly with this one, as its still early and I have no idea whatsoever what I am writing. This is an unconfirmed report and your mileage may vary in success. We are receiving word customers who are FULLY ELIGIBLE on their phone lines, as in 22 months since your last upgrade can contact T-Mobile Customer Loyalty and qualify for free devices WHILE SUPPLIES … [read full article]

Introducing The TmoNews Scratch And Win Game!!

Attention attention, its time for a big big announcement. TmoNews fans are among the most loyal fans I have ever seen follow a tech blog. That loyalty and faith has helped us grow and receive the respect of our peers. So we believe its time to give back, starting right now. We are proud to announce the TmoNews Scratch and Win game. From this moment forward, I decree … [read full article]

Verizon Now The Dominant Android Player, T-Mobile In Second Place?

I suppose in hindsight I really shouldn’t have been as surprised as I was over the results of a recent study regarding Android usage. I would have thought that T-Mobile, as the originating Android carrier would have remained the dominant player in the game, but the handset is really the buying decision now, not the carrier. With that in mind, according to a recent study … [read full article]

T-Mobile Father’s Day Television Ad Drops In

By now, T-Mobile customers and TmoNews readers are well aware that this Saturday T-Mobile is giving away every phone free.  T-Mobile is most definitely getting more aggressive with this one-day-only offer as it looks to grab as many new customers as it can.  With early store hours and heavy sales expectations, T-Mobile has begun marketing this event and I expect to see this ad quite often in the next … [read full article]