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T-Mobile to Hear (Dell) Thunder?

In an interesting turn of events, it appears that T-Mobile may be getting the Dell Thunder as well as the Dell Lightning. Both have similar specs, but the Thunder is an Android based phone while the Lightning is a Windows 7 Phone.  Engadget, though, was able to get their hands on two early prototype Thunder units.  Apparently the hardware they have doesn’t quite match the … [read full article]

Samsung Galaxy S GPS Issue Update

Still not having luck with your Vibrant’s GPS signal?  Don’t worry then, you should know that you aren’t the only one.  Samsung has said that they are working on a fix, but maybe there is a solution that you can try right now.  You can try enabling the use of wireless networks (Settings>Location & Security).  This should improve your GPS signal when … [read full article]

Why UMA Still Matters, Especially On Smartphones

I’ve often wondered why UMA doesn’t get more playing time in today’s T-Mobile world and, to be honest, it frustrates me. A service so simple, so powerful and yet seemingly avoided on T-Mobile smartphones, save for the Blackberry. I can’t wager as far as to say it’s a hardware problem, or a software problem that prevents T-Mobile and their partner manufacturers from getting this service up and running … [read full article]