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More iPhone Rumors, YAY!

Are you sick of this yet?  It seems like with every new week comes a new iPhone on T-Mobile rumor.  Is today’s rumor different?  Sure, I mean, I guess so.  The difference today is that Canada’s Quebecor launched a mobile service through Vidéotron.  This mobile service happens to use AWS, just like our lovely Magenta.  During a Q&A session, however, one of their executive vice presidents … [read full article]

(UPDATED) 01000111 00110010 01101110 01100101 01110111 01110011

UPDATE (now with less binary): Like it or not, we have just heard from the almighty powers that be (our sources) that the G2 release date has been pushed back to Oct 6.  I guess we will just need to wait until tonight for further confirmation. AAHHH!!!! Binary Attack!  Confused yet?  Maybe some of you were when T-Mobile proudly tweeted a bunch of ‘1’s and ‘0’s.  Well, the … [read full article]

Our Apologies For The Last 30 Some Hours

Update: At the request of our members and with Andrew’s advice, a Cat pic is up, following our present love for all things LOLCats. The last 30 hours or so have likely been confusing for plenty of you, and certainly aggravating for us. Obviously a great deal of you who make a daily stop noticed a Malware warning upon hitting the front page. While we … [read full article]