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T-Mobile G2 Will Not Support Tethering At Launch

Update 1: T-Mobile has provided an official statement regarding the tethering option: “T-Mobile does not currently support handset tethering or offer a tethering rate plan.  Though tethering and Wi-Fi sharing will not be initially supported on the T-Mobile G2, we know that consumers are interested in these features and we are working to develop a solution to support them in the future.” We’ve trying to confirm … [read full article]

T-Mobile Installs First Solar-Powered Cell Tower

We caught wind of this a few days ago thanks to an article from GigaOM but with the whole G2 news cycle it kind of got lost in the fold. Sometimes though we have to congratulate a carrier for taking the first step in an environmentally friendly manner. T-Mobile is that carrier today having announced their very first Solar Powered cell tower in Pennsylvania. The site itself will generate … [read full article]

LG Optimus Reveals Itself, Wi-Fi Calling On Board?

Let’s preface this with the usual warning of take this with a grain of salt, etc. etc…looks real…etc, etc.  I know your eyes have already scanned over this and found the things you wish were different but let’s just laser in on Reason To Buy #2:  is that Wi-Fi calling on board I see?  Is there truly someone sitting in the heavens answering our prayers?  Our ninja … [read full article]

Nokia Nuron Overclocked

You read that right, the Nokia 5230 (or the Nuron) has been overclocked.  The question here is why?  Why would someone in their right mind undertake the task of (or even want to) overclocking the Nuron.  Well, the simple answer could just be that it can be done and we have the technology (or maybe they were bored).  Either way, someone did it, and now that 434MHz ARM11 chip … [read full article]