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T-Mobile TV Leaks Out Of myTouch 4G ROM

T-Mobile TV, currently available on the Windows Mobile HD2, is making its way to Android. The app will come pre-loaded on the myTouch 4G and it has already been extracted from the leaked ROM from that device. The app will be powered by MobiTV.  The leaked version of the app has proven successful on the G2 and Nexus One, but anyone running Android on the HD2 has … [read full article]

T-Mobile Network Almost Brought Down By Instant Messaging App?

This story has been floating around since the 14th and it’s only now that I’ve had a chance to wrap my head around it. The guys at Fierce Wireless, eagle eyed as they are managed to uncover some juicy details in an FCC filing regarding an Android Instant Messaging program that almost brought down the entire T-Mobile network in an unknown city. “T-Mobile network service was … [read full article]

myTouch 4G ROM Leaked, Includes Promo Video

UPDATE: The video has been turned right-side up! Apparently the myTouch 4G ROM was leaked earlier this morning, and like many other leaked ROMs it included a few goodies. The folks over at AndroidCentral went through the ROM and found a 50 second promo video for the myTouch 4G. The video briefly showcases some of the features, such as the Genius button, HD video recording, Video Chat, and ScreenShare. Sadly, … [read full article]