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Deutsche Telekom To Present T-Mobile USA Strategy Next Week?

You’ll have to “Bear” (Bears win!!) with us on this one as I’m not sure what exactly the Reuters article is referring to. That being said, Reuters is reporting that Rene Obermann, CEO of T-Mobile USA parent company Deutsche Telekom, and Philip Humm, T-Mobile USA CEO “…are due on Thursday to present a strategy for the struggling US unit T-Mobile USA, which is the … [read full article]

T-Mobile Looking To Increase Premium Retailer Presence Nationwide

T-Mobile is looking to expand its “T-Mobile Premium Retailer Program” to a nationwide platform after having tested the program regionally for several years. T-Mobile hopes to increase the roll out of branded outlets by independent retailers which don’t require direct, corporate investment from the Magenta mothership herself. Currently, T-Mobile operates more than 2,000 corporate locations throughout the country and has more than 500 branded outlets … [read full article]

T-Mobile Ranks Third For Android Froyo 2.2 Updates

It’s almost as if the timing of this report is just fuel to the fire that has surrounded the Android community this week an anger grows over the lack of Galaxy S updates. This is an unscientific finding to be sure but JR Raphael of Computerworld via his own blog Android Power compiled this info which shows T-Mobile ranking in the third position for the … [read full article]

T-Mobile Cancelling kidConnect And Take Control Plans

For those currently on kidConnect or Take Control plans, T-Mobile will soon begin to cancel your rate plans. According to T-Mobile, due to systems changes, Take Control and kidConnect grandfathered rate plans will be removed from T-Mobile systems in the next few months. For those of you still enrolled in either of those plans will be notified by mail, text message, or a call from Take Control/kidConnect … [read full article]

T-Mobile Wants The iPhone, Too

Now that AT&T’s exclusivity on the iPhone has finally ended with Verizon Wireless officially announcing the iPhone yesterday, it seems T-Mobile wants in on the iPhone as well. As you may recall, T-Mobile USA’s new CEO and President already has a relationship with Apple. Before becoming CEO of T-Mobile USA, Philipp Humm previously was CEO of T-Mobile Deutschland, where he introduced the iPhone to Germany in 2007. According to The Seattle Times, … [read full article]