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My Take On A Sprint/T-Mobile Merger/Acquisition/Buyout/Sale/Purchase/Transaction/

While I like to jokingly consider myself T-Mobile’s number one fan, it’s hard to argue that its position in the wireless marketplace is looking good. After a disappointing fourth quarter in 2010, we’re back today with yet another round of rumors and tech talk regarding a potential deal with Sprint. Only this time, things are a little different since, as … [read full article]

T-Mobile To Release Nokia C7, To Be Known As Tiger?

We’ve been dropped a few morsels of upcoming Nokia goodness in the form of the Nokia C7 releasing as the Nokia “Tiger” later this month. With a screen size of 3.5 inches, internal memory at 8 gigs (expandable to 32 gigs), and an 8 megapixel camera with HD video capture the Tiger will make a great replacement for Nuron users looking to move … [read full article]