T-Mobile Wildfire S Spec Sheet Breaks Cover, Comes With Gingerbread
Did we call it or did we call it? The HTC Marvel which has been rumored to come to T-Mobile for sometime now was just confirmed to be called the … [read full article]
Did we call it or did we call it? The HTC Marvel which has been rumored to come to T-Mobile for sometime now was just confirmed to be called the … [read full article]
Our friends at Free Press are back again with more anti-AT&T/T-Mobile takeover messages and this time they’ve got video. Not just one video but four videos mocking the current T-Mobile ad campaign and they are quite funny. In fact I’ll just stop this post … [read full article]
For those of you waking up this morning and are now checking out the “official” word on T-Mobile’s new Value and Classic plans we’ve got one more piece of information to give you. As the image above shows Value Plan subscribers won’t pay the much loathed upgrade fee when purchasing new equipment. This is of course likely due … [read full article]
I’m Pretty sure we have beaten this to death had you covered on this one for a while now, but now it’s official and it’s what we thought it was. T-Mobile has issued their midnight press release regarding the new Value and Classic Plans that will be available on the 24th of … [read full article]
Not too long ago we told you about the HTC Marvel (pictured left above and below), and it even passed the FCC with T-Mobile 4G on board. Now, however, we are hearing that Marvel is out, and Wildfire S is in, for the name that is. We have expected this … [read full article]
We think we hit the nail on the head with this one. I hope you are sitting on the edge of your seat, because this is about to knock your socks off. We have just gotten official word that a new Samsung phone is headed our way, unofficially. From everything we have heard, it may boast some great specs; including a 1.3 megapixel camera, clamshell design, 3G and maybe … [read full article]
It isn’t an everyday thing that we write about a class action lawsuit because they are often common and sometimes ridiculously trivial. This time a class action lawsuit has begun against LG claiming that the company has failed to remedy various problems and defects in an appropriate time frame. Terry Horvath seeks to represent a class of [read full article]
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kf_hNhkcK6Y&feature=player_embedded[/youtube] Just available for pre-order yesterday, the myTouch 4G Slide is starting to get the review treatment. A few different reviews, some of our favorites too, have started to pop up and all of them agree, this phone is a serious contender in the premium handset market. Give them a look and decide for yourself (Above) … [read full article]
Oh hey, you know those after hour sales T-Mobile keeps having. Yeah, those are great! Except when they are for new customers, which probably isn’t you. If it is you, though, you can get a free Sensation 4G, online only, for four more … [read full article]
If you’ve been drooling over the myTouch 4G, or the Sensation 4G for that matter, but really can’t live without a keyboard, then your time has finally come. Starting now, a little earlier than the 19th I would say, you can … [read full article]
Pretty simple really, T-Mobile finally sent out their July Scoop and guess what? That’s right, they still love us. Either way, the are still running that 50% off accessories promotion, so you should probably go grab one. While you’re at it, go unlimited with your minutes, texts … [read full article]
Good news for those of you with video chat capabilities on T-mobile (or anyone that uses a myTouch 4G, Galaxy Tab, Dell Streak 7, Vibrant 4G, Sidekick 4G, [read full article]