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(Updated With *NEW* T-Mobile Statement) Radio Shack Reports Second Quarter Earnings, Ends Deal With T-Mobile

  Update: T-Mobile just released a *newer* short statement addressing the Radio Shack morning announcement:  After careful consideration, we decided that to in order to increase the effectiveness of our retail network and in line with our sales strategy, T-Mobile will exit RadioShack retail locations, effective September 15, 2011. We are currently focused on higher return national retailer … [read full article]

HTC Ruby Appears Via Flickr, Has T-Mobile Logo

Thanks to Flickr we’re getting what are possibly some of the first spy shots of the upcoming HTC Ruby which has the clear makings of a T-Mobile logo in the upper right hand corner. The boys at Pocket Now who uncovered these shots are saying the image itself was taken with an HTC Ruby so we should add that we aren’t 100% positive that the … [read full article]