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T-Mobile To Add Pay-Per-Use Data To All Smartphone Accounts On September 15th

T-Mobile is set to make a sweeping change to 11.4 million smartphone accounts with the placement of a Pay-Per-Use data feature added to all accounts that do not currently have a data plan. Customers will receive a notification that the feature has been added prior to September 15th with additional details being sent out with September billing. It will take up … [read full article]

(Update: Video Removed) T-Mobile’s House Of Cell Phone Torture

Update: Apparently this one wasn’t supposed to be made public folks so T-Mobile has taken it down. No word on when or if it will reappear. Have you ever wondered what kind of product testing a smartphone goes through before being released to the public? Have you ever wondered how they know a smartphone can survive a three foot drop without breaking a sweat? T-Mobile is attempting to answer those questions with a two minute video showing … [read full article]