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T-Mobile Stores Offering Accessory Discount With Foursquare Check-In?

We’re still trying to nail down all of the details regarding this special offer but we’ve received word that some T-Mobile retail stores are offering a 30% discount on one accessory purchase by checking into foursquare. It’s very easy, walk into a T-Mobile store, check into Foursquare, receive a 30% discount on one accessory. A quick check on Twitter showed that a large number of … [read full article]

T-Mobile Jumps The Gun On Emergency System Test, Scares Some People

If you’re a T-Mobile customer and you received a very strange alert message this morning, you have nothing to worry about. Zombies are not attacking us…yet. Lance Ulanoff, Mashable Editor was one of the lucky T-Mobile customers who received the “weird siren-like sound” and displayed the mysterious notification you see in the above image. Apparently, T-Mobile accidentally tested the Presidential Emergency Alert … [read full article]