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Consumer Reports Survey Lists AT&T As Least Satisfying Wireless Company, T-Mobile Brings Up The Middle

Looking for a reason to continue hoping the AT&T deal doesn’t go through with T-Mobile? Try a Consumer Reports survey that places AT&T dead last in both postpaid and prepaid categories for customer satisfaction. While Consumer Report surveys aren’t always weighed with the utmost of accuracy, the result of the 22 metropolitan areas breakdown didn’t result in any … [read full article]

T-Mobile Accidentally Adds AT&T Smartphone To #FindTheElf Image?

Bravo to TmoNews Reader Cory who just pointed out in the comments what nobody else had managed to discover. T-Mobile made a little #doh mistake with the addition of an AT&T Galaxy S II smartphone in their How it Works guide for the upcoming #FindTheElf Twitter holiday contest. We’re not reading anything into this other than it being a little photoshop mishap as they happen … [read full article]

T-Mobile Wants To Give You 30% Off One Accessory

Looking for a quick and easy way to get 30% off any one accessory at a T-Mobile store? Perhaps a stocking stuffer for a loved one? Well, T-Mobile has just provided a 30% off coupon on any one accessory through January 1, 2012. That’s all you have to do. Print out the coupon, present it at the register and save 30%. Any questions? Full … [read full article]