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T-Mobile “G4X” On The Horizon? Follow Up To The LG G2x?

Well, what do we have here? Word coming from our friends at PocketNow indicates T-Mobile has the “G4x” on the horizon, an Ice Cream Sandwich-powered Android smartphone. Sporting a 4.7″ 720p display, 8-megapixel camera and 21Mbps HSPA+ data all covered in a sub-nine-millimeter casing. With the name “G4x” floating around, there are obvious references to this device being an LG-ready [read full article]

T-Mobile Moves To Block Verizon Acquisition Of Cable Company Spectrum

T-Mobile has indicated via fillings with the Federal Communications Commission their intent to persuade the government to block Verizon Wireless from acquiring spectrum from a number of cable companies. In the last few months Verizon has finalized deals to acquire spectrum from Comcast, Time Warner Cable, Bright House Networks and Cox Communications. T-Mobile argues that the Verizon deal would place an “excessive concentration” … [read full article]

Which Carrier Has The Nations Largest FourGee Network?

AT&T has launched a new battle in the “4G” marketing wars with their very own claim that they have the nations largest 4G network. AT&T’s argument works to combine their new LTE presence with their HSPA+ network to support the size of their 4G network. AT&T’s marketing efforts began this Sunday and it’s in contrast to both Verizon and T-Mobile also arguing they have the … [read full article]

T-Mobile Connection Manager OTA Update Improves Software Performance

T-Mobile’s Mobile Broadband users should be on the lookout for a new OTA update for Connection Manager that began going out on February 14th. This update upgrades the connection manager from version 2.05 to 2.06 for the Jet 2.0 and improves software and device performance for the Rocket 3.0. The following legacy devices may also receive the OTA: Dell Mini Netbook Jet Rocket Rocket 2.0 … [read full article]

T-Mobile Acquires Domain Registrations For Upcoming “Prism” Device?

Here’s an interesting rumor for today…and I emphasize rumor with a capital R-U-M-O-R. According to Fusible, T-Mobile is working on a new smartphone called “Prism,” if recent domain registrations are to be believed. The new device part of this is truly speculation however, as T-Mobile counsel registered the domain names through MarkMonitor, an internet brand protection company on November 21st, 2011. T-Mobile [read full article]