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Newest comScore Reports Shows Android, Apple Continuing Smartphone Dominance

We knew this was coming as the March smartphone market totals are now in and you’ll only need one guess for who continues to reign number one in the US market. Android its dominance jumping almost four full points to 51% of new American smartphone buyers. Apple’s still riding high as well jumping to 30.7% giving the two top platforms close to 80% marketshare. … [read full article]

TmoNews Reviews The HTC One S

There is little question that HTC has been criticized for releasing too many phones that all seemed to be too much like each other. HTC was putting out the newest and best phone once a month, every month, for as long as we can remember. Arguably, these “superphones” helped launch Android into the stratosphere but, as a company, HTC was doing itself more harm than good. As … [read full article]

Google’s Jean-Baptiste Queru Talks Android Updates, Direct Phone Sales On Google+

Google’s own Jean-Baptiste Queru threw up some thoughts on Google+ on Android updates and utilizing Google’s own channels to sell devices. Queru specifically touched on the lengthy process of updating from Android 3.2 to Android 4.0. Explaining that the large differences in framework between the two platforms lends to the often irritating delay in release. Queru goes on to say that updates from … [read full article]