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(Updated) T-Mobile To Show Off Refarmed 1900MHz Network iPhone At WWDC Next Week? Yes, Yes They Are

Updated: It’s real! T-Mobile just sent us the following statement: T-Mobile Statement: While upgrading coverage inside the West side of the Moscone Center, T-Mobile has also deployed 4G HSPA+ service in the 1900 MHz band to test the live network on a small scale. As part of the company’s previously announced $4 billion network modernization effort, … [read full article]

Reminder: South Floridians, Do You Want To Meet Carly Today?

Hello South Florida, T-Mobile just dropped a fun piece of info in my mailbox as they prepare to celebrate the opening of their 1,000th T-Mobile Premium Retailer Location in Pompano Beach, Florida. T-Mobile is kicking off the official grand opening celebration of this location with giveaways, and an appearance from the one and only Carly Foulkes, who will sign autographs and take pictures. … [read full article]