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ZTE-Manufactured Device Bound For T-Mobile Pops Up On FCC Website

Enter the T-Mobile Aspect, a ZTE-manufacturered device just discovered passing through the hallowed halls of the FCC under the name ZTE F555. As the device appears to only have AWS/1900 on board for 3G/4G access, we’re pretty sure we’re looking at a feature phone, not a smartphone. For the most part, since the end of 2011, T-Mobile’s smartphones have featured at least 850/AWS/1900 … [read full article]

Samsung, HTC Post Vastly Different Second Quarter 2012 Financial Results

It’s that time as smartphone manufacturers the world over tell their shareholders and legions of users how well they performed financially during the second quarter of 2012. For Samsung, I’d say they have plenty to write home even as the  April – June 2012 period isn’t officially announced for the Korean manufacturer, a Reuters report shows Samsung will post a record profit of … [read full article]