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Two Out Three Phone Buyers Went Smartphone In Past Three Months, Android Reaping Rewards

It’s going to come as almost no surprise at all to learn that Android and Samsung continue to dominate smartphone marketshare in the US thanks to a new Nielsen study. As Android climbs and approaches 52% smartphone marketshare in the US, with almost 54.6% of new smartphone buyers opting to go the Android route in the past three months. Android’s growth … [read full article]

T-Mobile Posts YouTube Video For Future Advertisement Spot Highlighting Tower Numbers

T-Mobile’s newest YouTube video destined for televisions across the nation highlights the company’s 35,000 towers and the depth of T-Mobile’s nationwide coverage. This new marketing spot shows Carly driving around on her motorcycle visiting cities across the nation and listing them off as places T-Mobile’s 4G network will cover “from Kalamazoo to Anaheim to Miami.” “Buckle up for faster and more dependable … [read full article]