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Verizon’s CableCo Spectrum Close To Federal Approval, T-Mobile Getting Spectrum

Verizon Wireless has received the stamp of approval from the Department of Justice, with FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski saying he supports Verizon’s to go ahead with their $3.6 billion dollar spectrum buy tom Comcast, Time Warner Cable, and Bright House Communications. While the FCC has yet to vote on the deal, it sounds like just a formality at this point. Genachowski has said … [read full article]

Google Play Will Soon Add Wish-lists, Gift Cards

All I have to say about this is —- finally, FINALLY Google is set to unveil gift cards for the Google Play store. Gift cards are something that Apple has long since done for iTunes and is long overdue for Google’s own app store, thankfully that’s about to change. First things first though as Android Police dove into the new Google Play store v3.8.15 APK … [read full article]

T-Mobile’s Subsidy Cuts Are Now Being Adopted By Larger Competitors

T-Mobile’s efforts to cut subsidies amid trim margins have often been looked at it with shrugged shoulders by the larger carriers, at least while they weren’t looking at the same slim margins as T-Mobile USA. Now, Both Verizon and AT&T, the nation’s top two carriers are starting to scale back their own cheap upgrade offers to devices such as Apple’s iPhone and other … [read full article]