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(Updated With New Details) TouchWiz Exploit Can Reset A Device Just By Visiting A Website

Samsung Galaxy S II and S III owners beware as an exploit caused by a single line of code can cause an unstoppable factory reset of your Samsung device. Posted by Pau Oliva earlier in the day, the code was at first only thought to affect the Galaxy S II however, new reports since this morning have indicated that a number of other Samsung devices, including the Galaxy S III suffer from the same exploit. The hack … [read full article]

SquareTrade Posts Samsung Galaxy S III Versus iPhone 5 “Household Trauma” Test

Warning: Take any conclusions with a grain of salt, this is an unscientific test with many uncontrolled variables and the results could have just as easily gone the other way.  Setting aside smartphone allegiances for the moment, durability tests are an inevitable part of high-profile launches these days and our friends at SquareTrade pitted the Galaxy S III against the [read full article]

New T-Mobile MVNO Solavei Will Pay You To Add New Members

A brand new T-Mobile MVNO is coming out of beta today and it’s got an interesting pitch to try and attract new customers. The MVNO piggybacks on T-Mobile’s network, and already has more than 25,000 customers acquired during its beta period thanks to a network of friends, family and colleagues, some of whom have earned cash signing up. Solavei customers start by … [read full article]