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T-Mobile Changes Smartphone Data Requirements, Now 2GB Minimum

In an effort to clear up some confusion based on a number of emails that have come my way in the past few days, T-Mobile did change their data feature requirement for smartphones as of October 10th. Previously, T-Mobile allowed their 200MB data feature to meet the requirement with smartphone activation. As of October 10th however, the smallest data package required for smartphone purchase moves … [read full article]

Analyst Says “Next Year” For T-Mobile To Finally Offer The iPhone

As a lifelong Chicago Cubs fan, my immediate reaction to Morgan Stanley analyst Nick Delfas claiming that T-Mobile will “announce official iPhone distribution in early 2013” is to remember how many times we’ve said “wait till next year.” Cub fans the world over will recognize that as the unofficial model of a team which hasn’t won a world series in over 100 … [read full article]