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This “List” Says T-Mobile Is The Third Most-Hated Company In America

Congrats 24/7 Wall St, you’ve managed to completely twist  the definition of “hated” into something that fails to do anything other than make me laugh. I had no idea that “hated” consisted of companies with poorly performing financials or drops in customer service scores. Unhappy customers? Sure, that’s a problem that needs to be addressed. Does every company have customers that despise them? … [read full article]

See T-Mobile’s CEO Call Out AT&T’s Network In New York City

Remember those colorful remarks we mentioned coming from T-Mobile CEO? Well, the folks from MobileWorldLive happened to catch a bit of T-Mobile’s press event Tuesday night on video. Want to hear T-Mobile’s CEO call AT&T’s New York City network “crap?” Of course you do. Check out the clip which runs till 3:22, with T-Mobile CEO taking the stage at 1:22. Legere has a lot to … [read full article]

T-Mobile CEO Delivers Colorful Remarks Regarding The Competition And His Company’s Future

T-Mobile’s new man in charge John Legere is quickly becoming a vastly different CEO than T-Mobile has had in recent memory. In fact, some of his remarks last night during his company’s keynote border on either amazingly refreshing or obscene depending on your point of view. I’m very much in the “his comments are incredibly refreshing camp.” To call Legere charismatic … [read full article]

T-Mobile Announces Multi-Year MLB Marketing Partnership

Baseball fans look out as your world is about to collide with T-Mobile as the company announces they are the exclusive partner of the Major League Baseball association. T-Mobile will “provide technology that will enrich the MLB experience for both players and fans, inside and outside of the ball park.” The deal marks the first time in over 10 years that the MLB has partnered with a wireless … [read full article]