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When It Comes To Marketing Dollars, Samsung And Apple Dominate…We Feign Surprise

While there’s no question the actual numbers here are interesting on their own, it’s no surprise whatsoever that Samsung and Apple run away from the pack when it comes to marketing dollars. In fact, the most interesting takeaway here is just how much more Samsung and Apple spend against their three largest competitions in HTC, BlackBerry and Nokia. For its part, Samsung … [read full article]

T-Mobile’s Czech Republic Branch Discovers How To Properly Market Waterproof Smartphones (NSFW)

Generally speaking, I don’t usually look at T-Mobile news outside the US, but this marketing campaign used by T-Mobile in the Czech Republic is just awesome. It’s definitely NSFW by American standards and this kind of promotion would never, ever be tolerated by parents, mall security and the politically correct police we have stateside. Unfortunately, we don’t know when or if … [read full article]