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Nokia Lumia 925 on Tmo gets Windows Phone Black update

While many BlackBerry fans a couple of weeks ago considered that T-mobile was actively pushing them to switch platforms, there’s another operating system that’s considered by many of its fans to have been ignored altogether: Windows Phone. When the company announced which devices would be getting the Windows Black update, T-mobile’s own Lumia 810 wasn’t on the list. Thankfully, however, its big brother … [read full article]

Tmo HTC One update to Android 4.4.2 KitKat finally here

Apologies for grabbing this so late, but for those of you who haven’t already downloaded and installed it, 4.4.2 is finally here for the Magenta-flavored HTC One. It landed late last night, very inconveniently while I was in the middle of travelling to Barcelona for this year’s MWC conference. As for the update, it marks the start of HTC’s campaign to ensure that all future devices will support the latest software updates, and will receive them for … [read full article]

Magenta has fastest U.S. LTE network according to OpenSignal report

According to the most recent report published by OpenSignal, T-Mobile has the fastest LTE speeds on average in the States. Its average download speeds are 11.5Mbps, making it faster than AT&T’s 9.12Mbps, Verizon’s 7.82Mbps and Sprint’s mediocre 4.32Mbps. Although that may sound great, the report is pretty damning on the state of the US’ LTE coverage. Although it was one of the first countries to start building on the 4th gen networking technology, it’s one of the … [read full article]

T-Mobile’s new eSIM launched, aims to cut down international costs for connected machines

In the consumer market, T-Mobile’s been taking giant strides towards revolutionizing the traditional market approach taken by carriers. One of its so-called ‘Un-carrier’ moves was to abolish roaming charges for its Simple Choice customers in the latter half of last year. Users could travel to 100 different countries and be able to text and use data (EDGE only) and not … [read full article]

HTC One (M8) scheduled for March 25th launch date

Today, HTC sent out invites to a special press event set to take place on March 25th. It’s almost guaranteed that the company will use this event to announce the HTC One’s successor, code-named the M8. The launch event itself is being held in two locations: London and New York. As for specs, features and other information, we don’t know anything with certainty. Rumors have recently pointed to a device very heavily influenced by the original One. … [read full article]