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Android 4.4.3 coming to Nexus 5 and Nexus 7 today?

Android version 4.4.3, looks set to arrive on the Nexus 5 and last year’s version of the Nexus 7 today. At least, it is if T-Mobile software support documents are to be taken notice of. Sadly, there’s nothing more specific than “security enhancements” and “various bug fixes” mentioned in the post when it comes to features. Not exactly exciting, but it would seem … [read full article]

A peak at Galaxy Note 3 VoLTE update’s new features [gallery]

By now, we should all know that T-Mobile has begun the VoLTE revolution. And although not every handset on T-Mo has been updated to make use of the new service, one device to get updated was the awesome Galaxy Note 3. But, the software update didn’t just include the ability to make VoLTE calls. It featured a whole host of new additions, some of which already exist on the Galaxy S5. Most noticeable were the download booster, … [read full article]

LTE speed bumps spotted in L.A. and OH, further expansion in Puerto Rico

Over the past few days we’ve received a number of emails from readers who’ve noticed speed bumps across the U.S. In various places, it seems 4G is getting boosted. The first was in Columbus, OH. It’s been noted that speeds have been around the 25-30Mbps mark. Recently, those download speeds have virtually doubled. The screenshot below is from a speed test undertaken in that area: [read full article]

Coocoo Planet review

If I was to sum up the essence of Coocoo Planet in a phrase, it’d be: the love child of Tamagotchi, Candy Crush and the Sims. It’s an addictive game where you not only have to build worlds, but also care for individual characters. Dubbed Coocoomons, these characters – and their world – are designed to resemble sweet, sugary treats. Upon opening the game up, you’re immediately greeted by a … [read full article]

T-Mobile Moto X update soak test invites sent out

If you’re one of the few T-Mobile users who picked up a Moto X from Motorola, you’ll be glad to know some kind of software update is incoming. Droid-Life reveals an email sent out to members of the Motorola Feedback Network, inviting them to take part in a preview of a software release. Known as a “soak test”, these software previews help figure out … [read full article]

Kyodo: SoftBank’s offer to buy T-Mobile accepted by DT

There’s a headline you perhaps didn’t want to read this morning. The morning after its chief appeared on stage at Re/code’s conference, reports are circling that SoftBank’s offer for Deutsche Telekom’s controlling stake in T-Mobile US has been accepted. The news comes via Japanese publication, Kyodo. The site claims that Masayoshi Son proposed the move in a meeting with top T-Mo and DT executives … [read full article]