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Reminder: T-Mobile’s Cyber Monday offer goes live at 5:01am Eastern tomorrow [Updated]

Just a few days back, T-Mobile announced that – along with its other holiday deals – it would be kicking off a “massive” Cyber Monday deal (or deals) tomorrow.  The carrier stated that it will announce the offer tonight at 8pm Pacific/11pm Eastern. “And there’s more holiday goodness to come. Next up, Cyber Monday’s right around the corner. Watch for a … [read full article]

Happy Thanksgiving, TmoNews readers!

Today is a day of being thankful, resting, eating, enjoying time with family and celebrating all the good stuff in our lives. Although I’m not American, working for an American media company and virtually living in syncing with Eastern Time, I’d like to take the time to be thankful for everyone who reads this blog. There are very few sites online with the active community which TmoNews has, and … [read full article]

T-Mobile agrees to be more transparent on customer network speeds

Yesterday, the FCC published a press release stating that T-Mobile has agreed to improve its communications with customers regarding network connection speeds. T-Mo has agreed to take steps to make sure that customers running speed tests on the network receive accurate information, even when the customer is subject to reductions after hitting their personal data limit. The carrier will send texts to customers … [read full article]

T-Mo Samsung Galaxy S5, Note 3 and Note 4 all get software updates

Before we all get too excited, no, it’s not Android 5.0 Lollipop. However great that would be. Today, three popular Samsung flagship models on T-Mobile’s network received over-the-air updates. Samsung’s Galaxy S5 and Note 4 received an update which included Chinese language support for the first time. The update isn’t huge, but it’s not the smallest either. Pushing in at … [read full article]