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FCC’s estimated bids for upcoming 600MHz auction “undervalues” spectrum according to broadcasters

Last Friday, the FCC updated information on its upcoming 2016 broadcast incentive auction, increasing the estimated opening bids from an estimate released in October. However, the Expanding Opportunities for Broadcasters Coalition, a broadcaster group, believes that the value predicted is far too low. These opening bid estimates are in relation to the first part of the two-part auction, due to take … [read full article]

OnePlus One available without an invitation every Tuesday

The OnePlus One is easily the best phone in its price bracket. In fact, alongside its incredible price point, the one thing that has kept people talking is the company’s unusual – and sometimes controversial – launch and marketing methods. Most frustrating of all was, perhaps, the invite only system. Here was a brilliant handset which didn’t cost very much that you could only get … [read full article]

Deutsche Telekom to sell its UK arm to BT

A report on BBC News yesterday claims that Deutsche Telekom is about to sell its UK arm to BT, the nation’s largest fixed line telecoms operator. In a deal supposedly worth £12.5 billion, BT plans to buy mobile operator, EE. This news comes shortly after the announcement that the T-Mobile brand name in Britain is dead, along with its partner network operator, Orange. If … [read full article]

Croatia and Paraguay added to Simple Choice international roaming

T-Mobile’s list of countries supported by the free international roaming – as part of Simple Choice – continues to grow. Android Police noticed that Paraguay and Croatia are now included. Since launch, the list of supported countries, where you can get unlimited texting and 2G data roaming free of charge as part of  your Simple Choice plan, has now grown to over 120. Oddly, Vietnam has … [read full article]

Superbowl mobile traffic: T-Mobile network proves fastest in Phoenix Stadium

More people than ever before tuned in during the Patriots’ defeat of the Seahawks last weekend. And while Superbowl itself proved more popular than it ever has been on TV, it was in and around the venue where we get the most interesting mobile network story of the weekend. First up, we talk speed. T-Mobile’s network in the University of Phoenix Stadium area … [read full article]

Saygus V2 Super-Powered phone available for pre-order, and it supports band 12

It’s not often a phone unavailable from most official outlets and carrier stores gets so many tech-fans excited. But at CES earlier this year, there were only a couple of phones that got my attention. First was obviously the second generation LG G Flex. The second was Saygus’ insanely specced hyperbeast smartphone. The relatively unknown manufacturer wowed us with an impressive … [read full article]