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Mike Sievert being promoted to COO in T-Mobile executive re-shuffle

In an email sent out to all T-Mobile employees this morning, John Legere outlined a corporate re-shuffle taking place at the Un-carrier. Undoubtedly, the biggest news is Mike Sievert’s move from CMO (chief marketing officer) to COO (chief operating officer). In the memo to staff – which we’ve been able to look at (thanks to our sources) – Legere states that he has … [read full article]

Legere: “We are not an underdog brand”

T-Mobile has become the most talked about carrier in the U.S. wireless industry. Its bold Uncarrier moves have made it the talk of the town. Its growth and popularity since starting Uncarrier have been incredible. And many will put this boldness and success down to one person: John Legere. More often than not, tech reporters will come away from a T-Mobile press event with comments on … [read full article]

Galaxy S6 or HTC One (M9) – Which upcoming device excites you most? [Poll]

In just under two weeks’ time, HTC and Samsung will be unveiling their next generation smartphones at separate events in Barcelona, the day before MWC 2015 officially kicks off. Surprisingly, other manufacturers haven’t been as quick to announce an unveiling during the convention. Both LG and Sony will have muted presences in Barca, leaving HTC and Sammy to scrap … [read full article]

T-Mobile Band 12 LTE shows up in Springfield, MA

A read got in touch from Springfield, MA to inform us that T-Mobile’s 700MHz LTE network is – at the very least – being tested in the city. We were sent a screenshot of the Galaxy Note 4’s Service Mode screen which shows all the indicators we’d normally require to confirm that this is, indeed, a T-Mobile band 12 site. Check it out below: … [read full article]