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Reuters: FCC unlikely to side with T-Mobile over 600MHz spectrum auction terms

With every spectrum auction comes the potential for T-Mobile to add more much-needed airwaves to its portfolio. Sadly, it also comes with months of lobbying, petitions and various other forms of general coaxing by different companies trying to make sure they get the best terms possible. In T-Mobile’s case, that’s never been truer than with the 600MHz incentive auction due to … [read full article]

Android M announced by Google, coming later this year with several improvements

At its I/O developer conference in San Francisco just a short while ago, Google announced details about its updates and improvements for 2015. They included new features for virtually all of its major products and services, but the one of most significance for us phone addicts was Android M. Unlike last year, this software update seems to be much more about … [read full article]

Is truly unlimited data going to disappear?

Looking at the U.S. wireless industry over the past couple of years seems to be indicating one thing to me: At some point in the future, truly unlimited data plans will die. Speaking at the Re/code conference yesterday, Sprint’s CEO Marcelo Claure stated that – although unlimited works really well for Sprint now – at some point, it will stop offering unlimited data plans. As the … [read full article]

Xperia Z1s Android 5.0.2 Lollipop software update rolling out

We’ve been informed by a handful of our readers that T-Mobile is finally rolling out Android Lollipop software updates for the Sony Xperia Z1S. Although T-Mobile’s software updates page still indicates that it is in “T-Mobile Testing”, the device’s own individual page does contain details of the update. Specifically, it’s Android 5.0.2 and weighs in at over 640MB in size. It also comes with … [read full article]

LG G4 Review

Partnering with LG for the G4 Preview event across the country has been a pretty big deal for T-Mobile. There have been giveaways, a tour bus in many major cities and test devices thrown in to the hands of technology reviewers. And the best part of it: T-Mo wants us to know that it has the exclusive on … [read full article]