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T-Mobile Network Updates: Band 12 sightings in California, 100Mbps speeds in Augusta & more…

It’s been a little while since we updated you with the latest sightings from our T-Mobile-obsessed readers. And there are a few to get through in today’s network update post. Most is further news of band 12 LTE (700MHz) expansion, some is news of crazy speeds up in Georgia. But either way, it’s all good news when we hear of our readers seeing real-life improvements from T-Mobile’s efforts at improving its network. . Kansas City [read full article]

John Legere gets a “BatBerry” for his birthday

Yesterday was John Legere’s birthday, which you’ll undoubtedly already know if you’ve been following his tweets. The ever-popular outspoken CEO seemingly got a bazillion birthday tweets, a few cakes, a huge card and a batphone. But today, waiting for him back in his Seattle office was something a little special sent over by John Chen, BlackBerry’s CEO. T-Mobile and BlackBerry only [read full article]

This week only: OnePlus One price slashed to $249

  Although it only plays nice with one of T-Mobile’s LTE bands, we figured you’d like to hear about an awesome offer from the folks at OnePlus. For this week only, the OnePlus One is going to be subject to a series of flash sales. Each day, from today until June 7, the OnePlus One will be available for as little as $249. There … [read full article]