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iOS 10.3.3 and watchOS 3.2.3 updates now available from Apple

If you’ve got an Apple device, then you’ve probably also got a software update coming your way right now. Apple today released iOS 10.3.3 for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. The update is a smaller one, and Apple says that it includes bug fixes and improved security. That may not sound terribly exciting, but having a secure device that runs smoothly is important for something … [read full article]

T-Mobile touts fastest LTE download speeds, says 600MHz phones from Samsung and LG coming soon

T-Mobile’s got some network news to share. T-Mo says that, according to its analysis of national LTE results of Ookla Speedtest data, it’s got the fastest download speeds in the U.S. T-Mobile had an average of 26.9Mbps, while AT&T had 23.0Mbps and Verizon had 22.7Mbps. Sprint finished below 20Mbps, and so T-Mo decided to not include it in its graph. Also included in … [read full article]